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Mako BJJ - Tucson, AZ

| 11/22/2019


Michael MacGregor and Ismat Abdulhamid

Martial Art: BJJ

How did you choose your school name?

"The ground is the ocean, and we are the sharks."

What is your school's mission statement or student creed?

"Self-improvement through the Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle."

How long have you been teaching?

"A total of 22 years combined."

Who or what inspires you?

"Self-improvement and the Tucson BJJ community."

What is something special or unique about your school and/or students?

"Our focus is building a family of likeminded people, not just a sport or another activity."

What made you choose FUJI Mats for your facility?

"My coach David Reilly at Undisputed recommended them. After making inquiries, the customer service was top notch."

What is the most rewarding part about working in the martial arts field?

"Being able to do what I love and help others through jiu-jitsu."

If you could give one piece of advice to other martial art school owners what would it be?

"Don’t nickel and dime people, invest in longevity through generosity and graciousness."


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