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How To Measure & Cut Your FUJI Wall Pad

How To Measure & Cut Your FUJI Wall Pad

Designing a martial arts facility so it fits your brand while maximizing safety is key. FUJI Mats offers a full line of martial art facility products to keep your students safe and martial arts facility professional. FUJI Mats is more than just martial arts mats on the floor - we offer full facility design solutions such as wall pads to keep your martial arts students safe and provide a professional training environment. However, when it comes to Wall Pads it is not always as easy as just installing them, sometimes we need to work around bump outs, ledges, support beams, etc. Let’s discuss some of the ways you utilize FUJI Wall Pads despite any obstacles you may come across.

Let’s get started.

Tools Needed To Cut Your Martial Arts Wall Pads:

FUJI Mats recommends you use specific tools to cut your wall pads. First thing we recommend is using a Chalk Line to make your straight line. This way in case you need to make any adjustments you have not made any permanent marks on the wall pad itself. Next you’ll need something to cut the mat. We recommend using a skill saw to cut through the back of the wall pad and the FUJI Mats tool of choice, is a Jigsaw Tool with a serrated blade to cut through the actual pad portion of the wall pad. The serrated blade is made for specifically cutting through foam extremely smooth and quick. 

You may also want to consider having a pair of needle nose pliers to remove the staples on the back of the wall pad. 

Lastly, you must have a glue, staples or strong tape to reattach the vinyl that has been removed from the wall pad.

Why & When You Need To Cut Your Martial Arts Wall Pads:

Gyms come in all shapes and sizes. FUJI Mats will get you the exact number of wall pads you need and we will even let you know how many wall pads you would need to cut to ensure a perfect fit. However, some spaces may have some wall bump outs, pillars or maybe just does not fit a full wall pad - either way, we have you covered. 

You want to ensure all of your wall pads are packed together nice and snug. You also need to make sure they are lined up evenly so they create a straight line across the top. Cutting your FUJI Wall Pad ensures the perfect fit and a professional look and feel for your gym.

How To Measure Your Martial Arts Wall Pad Mat:

For a full breakdown on how to measure your FUJI Martial Arts Wall Pad to know where to cut click here. 

But for a quick run down, measure the distance between the top of the wall area and the bottom of the wall area and your wall pad. Be sure to add +1/8 or +1/4" to ensure you pinch the layout tightly. 

Getting A Finished Edge:

For a full breakdown on how to cut your FUJI Wall Pad mat with a finished edge click here. 

You must ensure that when you cut your FUJI Wall Pad that you only cut the back board and remove the foam of the area but leave the vinyl as is. You must first detach the vinyl cover before you make the cut. Be sure to remove any of the staples left over.

Once you have the cut made, you then take the additional vinyl cover of the Wall Pad and wrap it around the back nice and tight. Be sure to fold the corners in and pull the piece straight back so it has a nice smooth edge. To attach the vinyl to the wood, you may use a commercial stapler, strong adhesive or a strong tape to keep the vinyl in place. 

Need help? Reach out to your FUJI Mats Specialist and they can walk you through how to properly cut your FUJI Mat. 

Did you know we also offer installation services? Speak to your FUJI Mats Specialist about having our team come and assist you with the installation.


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