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Turf Warranty

| 05/17/2024



Manufacturer warrants to the Ultimate Consumer/Owner that its products are
guaranteed against all defects in workmanship for a period of 5 years from
the date of shipment. Manufacturer further warrants that its product is
guaranteed not to exhibit UV degradation or loss of tensile strength greater
than 50 percent during said time period, and further guarantees that its
product will not have a pile height decrease in excess of fifty percent
(50%) as a result of normal wear and tear with properly maintained infill
levels as required. API Standards related to pile fiber height shall be
established pursuant to ASTM Test D5823.

The life expectancy of artificial grass is dependent on the intensity of
use, as well as local climatic conditions. The more a product is being used
and the harsher the climate, the quicker its lifetime will pass. The
intensity of use is a combination of several factors including the usage in
hours per day, the number of people that sport or play (simultaneously) on
the pitch, the type of sport or play and the type of footwear that is used.

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