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Xtreme Gracie Jiu Jitsu

| 02/11/2021

Owners: David Maver

Martial Art: BJJ, MMA, Judo, Personal training, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, Self Defense

How did you choose your school name?

We chose the name for our school based on the fact that our roots originated from the Gracie family, more specifically Royce Gracie.

How long have you been teaching?

Nick Recanati has been teaching Martial Arts/Kickboxing since the 1990s but Jiu-Jitsu since 2006. Brandon Recanati has been teaching MMA/ Muay Thai and Jiu-Jitsu since 2016.

What is your student creed or mission statement?

Xtreme Gracie was created with the intent to unite its members and family and have the mat as their second home. Efficiency, patience, and control are some of the keys to XGJJ which signifies the techniques and philosophy we teach. We train the body, mind, and spirit through the high level of instruction of Jiujitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling Kickboxing, MMA, Self defense, and personal fitness. We envision your training as a vehicle for individual development and the strengthening of the family core. Going beyond the winning/losing philosophy but making your life healthier, safer, and having better self-esteem.

Who or what inspires you?

Our inspiration comes from our older son/brother and friend, Nicholas “Reca” Recanati. He passed away in 2015 and his long life dream was to own a gym, open a smoothie bar, and become a World Champion.

What is something special or unique about your school and/or students?

The gym is everyone’s second home. It’s more than just teaching martial arts, it’s about creating a family community that promotes health, safety, and empowerment.

What made you choose FUJI Mats for your facility?

They have high-quality products ranging from mats, cleaning supplies, floors, bags to all other custom products that fit my exact idea.

What is the most rewarding part about working in the martial arts field?

Seeing martial arts change a person's life for the better. We love hearing and seeing everyone’s stories along with their journey in this sport.

If you could give one piece of advice to other martial art school owners what would it be?

Have an open mind, treat everyone with respect, remember we are here to serve the people, make everyone feel safe while having fun and lastly never stop learning. Osu


We are a small-town gym that is family-owned and family-friendly orientated. Our new and improved establishment has been open since April 18th, 2016. Our gym includes a smoothie bar attachment and a free to assisted weight and full cardio workout area.

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